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Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya. Pabila sampah tiada, kena ceria main warnet. Hary Irfantri, 2012
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Download Update Offline AVG AntiVirus Terbaru (25 April 2012)

Download Update Offline AVG AntiVirus Terbaru (25 April 2012) - Untuk memberikan perlindungan terbaik bagi pengguna setia AVG AntiVirus, GRISOFT terus mengembangkan dan memperbaharui definitions update dari AVG untuk mengenali beberapa jenis virus terbaru. Update virus database dengan tepat waktu merupakan merupakan sebuah anjuran untuk setiap program antivirus. Untuk melakukannya, sobat dapat melakukan update secara online maupun offline sesuai kebutuhan dan tentunya kemampuan koneksi internet masing-masing pengguna.

Jika sobat bukan pengguna internet aktif dan memiliki banyak kesibukan diluar dunia maya, sangat dianjurkan untuk melakukan updatedatabase antivirus secara manual atau update offline. Ini bertujuan untuk terus memastikan bahwa AVG Antivirus bekerja secara maksimum melindungi PC sobat dari jenis virus terbaru. Karena ini merupakan solusi terbaik untuk keamanan komputer / PC, maupun laptop sobat.Update virus database yang tepat waktu merupakan komponen kritis untuk efektivitas program antivirus.

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  1. Save update ke temporary location
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Update Offline AVG AntiVirus Definitions Update Terbaru 25 April 2012

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Masalah Komputer Tidak Ada Suara

suara komputer menghilangTidak ada sound audio, atau tidak ada suara komputer atau apapun namanya yang jelas musik tidak mengeluarkan suara pada Windows bisa terjadi karena banyak faktor. Kerusakan sound audio komputer bisa terjadi jika Anda meng-upgrade ke versi Windows baru atau ketika Anda menginstal ulang sistem operasi Windows Anda. Program perangkat audio akan melaporkan kesalahan bahwa suara tidak ada. Audio Device Windows akan menunjukkan tidak ada perangkat audio dan semua opsi akan berwarna abu-abu tidak bisa diklik. Dalam kebanyakan kasus Anda perlu menginstal perangkat audio untuk mendapatkan kembali audio komputer.
Semua hardware yang terhubung ke perangkat di Windows menggunakan device driver untuk memastikan Windows dapat berkomunikasi dengan perangkat keras itu. Jadi penyebab paling umum untuk kesalahan perangkat audio adalah bahwa driver audio tidak diinstal, atau rusak.
Dalam menghadapi masalah audio komputer ini, selalu mulai dengan menginstal atau menginstal ulang driver audio Anda. Jika Anda memiliki CD driver, cukup jalankan setup driver audio dari CD. Jika tidak, download driver audio dari situs produsen dan jalankan installer driver audio dari file yang didownload. Jika Anda tidak mengetahui produsen dan model kartu suara, Anda dapat menggunakan program driver finder yang secara otomatis akan mendeteksi kartu suara dan mencari driver yang cocok untuk Anda.
Jika kartu suara terintegrasi dalam motherboard, Anda perlu menginstal driver chipset motherboard dan  bukan sebuah driver kartu suara yang terpisah. Umumnya motherboard chipset adalah Intel, AMD, Via, Sis, dan Nvidia. Petunjuk dalam artikel ini menggunakan Windows XP sebagai contoh, tetapi semua tips berlaku pada Windows, termasuk Vista dan Windows 7, walaupun langkah-langkah dapat bervariasi sedikit.
Bagaimana mengecek audio device
  1. Silakan buka [Control Panel -> System -> Hardware] (ini relatif sesuai versi windows anda).
  2. Pada  [Device Manager], lihat bagian [Sound, video and game controllers].komputer tidak bersuara
  3. Di sini Anda akan menemukan merek perangkat audio berdasarkan produsen chipset perangkat audio. Dalam contoh ini kita lihat mereknya adalah Realtek, tetapi contoh lain dari produsen perangkat audio ada juga C-Media, Creative, Turtle Beach dan Yamaha.
  4. Jika perangkat memiliki tanda tanya berwarna kuning maka berarti ada masalah dengan konfigurasi perangkat atau driver. Jika tidak ada perangkat tersebut, perangkat audio mungkin tidak diakui, dan Anda tidak akan menemukan driver perangkat lain di bawah kategori Sound, video dan kategori game. Sekali lagi, ini sebagian besar disebabkan oleh driver yang hilang. Instal driver yang tepat untuk menginstal perangkat audio.tidak ada suara
  5. Dari gambar diatas, klik kanan udio device (atau unknown device) dalam Device Manager dan pilih [Properties].suara komputer hilang
  6. Hal pertama yang harus diperiksa adalah [Device usage] apakah kolom dibawahnya bertuliskan [Use this device (enable)], jika tidak berarti disini penyebab audio hilang.
  7. Selanjutnya pilih tab [Properties] dan buka grup [Audio Devices].hilang suara komputer
  8. Kliktombol [Properties] untuk membuka jendela audio device properties. Pada jendela ini, pastikan radio button [Use audio features on this device] terseleksi, kemudian klik [OK] untuk menutup jendela audio properties. audio komputer hilang
  9. Selanjutnya, perhatikan dengan baik jendela gambar dibawah ini, pilih tab [Driver].hilang audio komputer
  10. Di sini Anda dapat melihat rincian driver saat ini jika ada, dan memulai wizard [Update Driver] serta [Roll Back Driver]. Roll Back Driver dapat membantu jika Anda baru-baru ini memperbarui sebuah driver audio dan suara berhenti bekerja setelah itu. Windows menyimpan salinan dari driver sebelumnya, yang dapat dipulihkan oleh rolling kembali driver.
  11. Dalam hal tidak ada suara, tidak ada salahnya anda menggunakan fasilitas [[Update Driver] untuk mengatasi masalah anda.
Pemilihan Sound Card Komputer
Jika komputer Anda memiliki kartu audio onboard, dan Anda ingin menggunakan kartu suara yang terpisah (pci), pastikan Anda menonaktifkan perangkat suara onboard di BIOS komputer. Jika tidak, ini akan jadi sumber konflik perangkat audio yang tidak terdeteksi, atau tidak akan bekerja dengan baik.
Bila Anda menggunakan perangkat audio USB, masalahnya mungkin berhubungan dengan port USB dan tidak langsung perangkat audio. Periksa perangkat USB Anda atau baca artikel Cara Mengatasi Masalah USB Device Not Recognized yang pernah saya tulis.
Pengaturan Sound pada Control Panel
Selain dari [Device Manager],[ Sounds and Audio Devices] di Control Panel Windows dapat bermanfaat dalam usaha untuk memperbaiki masalah audio Anda namun itu akan dibahas diwaktu yang akan datang.

Spanning Stats Has Scanned 25,000+ Google Drives



Spanning, which already offers a backup service for Google Apps, is now riding the coattails of Google Drive, promising to help people see, “What’s in your Google Drive?”
Two days after the Drive announcement, Spanning released a free tool called Spanning Stats that analyzes your Google Drive account. The company says its report provides data including the percentage documents in your Google Drive by type, the 10 newest and oldest files, how much of the total storage quota you’re using by file type, the 10 biggest files, and the 10 users using the most storage space.
It sounds like there were people who really wanted to see those charts and graphs. The company now says that people have used Spanning Stats to scan 25,000 Google Drives. The app is now listed as one of the top installs in the Google Apps Marketplace and the number one install in the Document Management category.
That’s probably also reflects the initial excitement about Google Drive. In fact, after the announcement, the the data uploaded to Google Docs by Spanning users exploded — before the announcement, the average amount per day was 5 megabytes, but on the day Google Drive launched it went up to 36.8 megabytes, and then 22.6 megabytes the next day.

It's Official: Planetary Resources Announces Plans to Mine Asteroids


Last week, a press release from big names like Larry Page, Ross Perot and James Cameron about combining space exploration with resource extraction made it all but obvious that somebody was going to announce some very ambitious plans surrounding asteroid mining. Now, Planetary Resources has officially unveiled its plans. Alex Knapp has more analysis.
The plan will focus on two things: precious metals and water. Materials such as platinum and rare earth elements are crucial to electronics, increasingly scarce on Earth and abundant in space. Planetary Resources thinks it can find enough of the stuff in asteroids to offset the massive cost of getting to it. According to the press release:
A single 500-meter platinum-rich asteroid contains the equivalent of all the Platinum Group Metals mined in history. “Many of the scarce metals and minerals on Earth are in near-infinite quantities in space. As access to these materials increases, not only will the cost of everything from microelectronics to energy storage be reduced, but new applications for these abundant elements will result in important and novel applications,” said Peter H. Diamandis, M.D., Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Planetary Resources, Inc.
But water may be the most valuable resource asteroids have to offer. Planetary Resources plans to use near-earth asteroids as stepping stones to exploring the rest of the solar system by using their water to both support life and propel rockets.
With the still-nascent world of space tourism also, it’s clear that we’re entering into a new era of privately-driven space exploration. For the tech luminaries on board, this industry shows the same kind of limitless promise that Silicon Valley did a few years ago.
“I see the same potential in Planetary Resources as I did in the early days of Google,” said Ram Shriram, founder of Shirpalo and Google board member.
“The promise of Planetary Resources is to apply commercial innovation to space exploration. They are developing cost-effective, production-line spacecraft that will visit near-Earth asteroids in rapid succession, increasing our scientific knowledge of these bodies and enabling the economic development of the resources they contain,” said Tom Jones, Ph.D., a veteran NASA astronaut and advisor to Planetary Resources.

A week in Minecraft: a game or a way of life?


In Depth We explore the stonkingly popular adventure game

A week in Minecraft: a game or a way of life?
Play this huge game in Creative or Survival modes
Less a game and more a way of life, Minecraft is all about digging, building, exploring and crafting in a gigantic world.
This world is made up of blocks - soil, sand, stone, and many other materials - and you have complete freedom to build structures using these blocks in an area that's eight times the size of the world's surface.
The game keeps track of every single change you make (which produces massive save game files - 100MB upwards is the norm). By combining items, you can make new things, such as the wool-and-wood combination we tried, which made a bed.
Minecraft has two game modes: Survival - where you have to eat and protect yourself from monsters, and Creative - where you can work safely on huge buildings to your heart's content.
The game is written in Java and runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS, and has already reached a whopping four million sales. So we decided to spend a week checking it out...

Day 1: Arrival

Our new life began on a hill next to a swamp - or perhaps a jungle. Either way, there was lots of water around and a few trees. And mushrooms, too. We couldn't see any signs of human life, but we kept hearing noises that we suspect were being generated by animals. It's all a bit weird, and to make matters worse, we haven't got any tools with us - just our bare hands.
After a bit of scrabbling around, we discovered we could gather bits of grass and dirt, and keep them with us on our travels. As the day progressed, we began to get hungry, and our only option was to kill a chicken we came across using our hands.
It wasn't pleasant, and eating the raw meat didn't do us much good, but we stayed alive.
A week in Minecraft

Night-time came, and it was utterly horrible: all sorts of vile monsters appeared, hell-bent on killing us. First, there was a strange sort of zombie-like creature going for our throat, and then a skeleton firing arrows, and big black spiders with red eyes. we tried fighting them with our hands and got injured badly in the process.
Out of desperation, we dug a hole in the ground to escape, but some hissing green monster followed us in, exploded and left a huge crater. We barely slept.

Day 2: Acclimatisation

The start of the day went well: we gathered wood from the trees and used it to make some tools - a sword and a pick-axe. They're not very strong, but they'll do for now. They also make it easier to kill animals for food, so at lunchtime we walked into a forest and found some wild pigs. Our hunger level is staying under control.
The big question bothering us all day was: where are we going to sleep? We can't just wait for the monsters to kill us - we need to fashion some kind of shelter that's more substantial than the hole we dug yesterday.
A week in Minecraft

Fortunately, after a bit of walking we found the entrance to a cave, and with our tools we could extract some chunks of stone. Our tools didn't last very long, but we got enough stone to build a small igloo-like shelter.
Just before night-time, we found a sheep, killed it and took its wool. Combined with the remaining bits of wood we had, we hacked together a simple bed and had a tolerable night's sleep. But we kept hearing the monsters outside…

Day 3: Exploration

In Depth
We decided we couldn't stay there any longer, so we gathered our things together and set off on a journey. After a few hours of trudging through the swamp, we came across a deep forest, which led into a hugely mountainous region.
It was striking, but the rain was horrendous. It took us another few hours before we arrived in a really dry, desert-like area. There was nothing there but the odd cactus.
By the evening, we were back in woodland and found a cave. After knocking down a few trees and combining the wood with some stone, we made some stronger tools. We were feeling pretty confident with our stone sword and stone axe, although they were heavy. After setting up our bed in the cave, we slept well.

Day 4: The village

Seemingly without hope, we kept walking and walking, and then saw something in the distance… a building! A real sign of humanity after three days. It was a small village in the middle of a prairie, and although the inhabitants seemed reluctant to talk to us, we felt much happier being there than in the outside world.
We made a huge mistake in the afternoon, though: there's a well in the village, filled almost to the top, and a man was in it. We tried to free him by breaking open the side of the well, but it just spread water over much of the village. Why weren't we thinking?
A week in Minecraft

In the afternoon, we headed out to gather more wood and stone, and then came back and started building a proper little house for ourselves in the village. It's nothing special, and we have no lighting yet, but it's a good place to store our bed and equipment. We feel as if we're making real progress here.

Day 5: Confidence

Set off early and found some cows near the village. A bit of sword-work later, and we had some good beef and leather. We're not much good at making clothes, but we hacked together a simple leather tunic that should give us protection against any night-time monster attacks.
At lunchtime, we carved up a chunk of wood to make a bowl, and used some of the mushrooms we'd gathered to prepare a stew. Together with the beef, we were feeling healthy and full. With our stone sword, pick-axe, tunic and food supplies, we're building up confidence, so in the afternoon we took a walk out of the village, dropping bits of stone behind us so that we could find our way back.
After going through some swampland, we found the sea, so we swam for a while and saw a huge island with a cavern in the distance. We'll explore that tomorrow.

Day 6: Fire!

What a day. After breakfast, we headed to the cavern, which was even more enormous when we got close to it. After an hour's climbing up the mountain, we reached the entrance to the cavern, which was pitch black; so we crept inside and then… there was a fizz, a huge explosion, and everything went black.
The next thing we remember was being back in our bed in the village, except without all of the bits and bobs that we had been carrying. But the lure of the cavern tempted us back, and once we reached the entrance again, we saw all of our items lying around - our sword, our food, our bits of stone and wood.
A week in Minecraft

It must've been one of those green monsters that attacked us, but don't they just come out at night? Perhaps they live in the darkness of the cave… Anyway, we ventured boldly onwards and found some seams of coal, which we extracted using our pick-axe.
Back in the village, we combined the coal with wood to make some torches. We've placed these inside our house and around the village, and although we're going to bed quite early tonight, it seems that all of this light is stopping the monsters from getting too close to the buildings.

Day 7: Reinforcement

Subscribe and save

We're really liking it here, but the village needs to be safer. We went out to gather stones to build a wall. This took most of the day, but we now have a barrier around the village, broken up by a few doors we made out of wood, so no monsters can get inside in the night. It feels really safe and will let us do some work when it gets dark, such as planting seeds to grow wheat for bread.
As an experiment, we dug a tunnel inside the village, using our torches to light the way, and deep underground we came across some traces of iron. There's a smelting furnace in the village, so we'll have to see if we can make some better items.
We've been hearing rumours in the village of magic spells and potions, too, so we'll have to investigate that further.
We can barely remember ourselves from the first day - that terrified, helpless guy lost in an alien world. Now this world feels like ours, and we're learning to control it better all the time.

Ivy got news for you: Intel's latest superchips launch


Week in Tech Plus Facebook phones and the future of cash

Ivy got news for you: Intel's latest superchips launch
Ivy Bridge: the third-and-a-bit generation of Intel's Core microarchitecture
Intel's boffins have been busy: the chip goliath has released its latest quad-core processors, codenamed Ivy Bridge. The codename is much better than the real name, which is "3rd generation of Intel Core Microarchitecture".
Intel Ivy Bridge
Intel Ivy Bridge
The tech behind Ivy Bridge is impressive — where Sandy Bridge processors used 32nm architecture, Ivy Bridge uses Intel's 22nm Tri-Gate technology — but is it a great leap forward? Jeremy Laird isn't convinced that it is.
"As predicted, Ivy Bridge is a case of no more cores. Four is your lot," he says. That's not a big deal - "the future of PC processing probably doesn't involve an inexorable rise in the core count" - but Ivy Bridge is "not nearly as good as it could have been. Instead, it's been carefully positioned to be merely as good as it needs to be."
As Laird explains in his in-depth analysis, "Ivy Bridge is not all new. On the CPU side, not a lot has changed". Ivy Bridge does get more graphics power, but that's about it. That "begs the question of whether Ivy Bridge deserves its status as the '3rd generation' of Intel's Core processors."
Laird says: you won't be unhappy if your next PC has an Ivy Bridge in it, but the difference between it and Sandy Bridge isn't dramatic.
What about AMD, Intel's arch-rival? Is there hope for tougher competition from AMD any time soon? "In a word," Laird says, "No."

Eye on smartphones

Intel's ambitions aren't just on the desktop. Its Medfield processors are designed to power smartphones and other mobile devices, and early benchmarks suggest that it's faster than the processors inside the iPhone 4S and Samsung Galaxy S II. However, by the time Medfield devices actually reach the shelves there will be newer, faster processors inside iPhones and other ARM-powered kit.
It seems that everybody has an eye on the smartphone market: even Facebook, which according to rumours is working on a Facebook phone with HTC. As Kate Solomon points out, that means history is repeating: "Hello and welcome to 2010," she writes. That's when HTC's ChaCha was released with a big blue Facebook button on it.

Google Phone? Isn't that the Nexus?

Here's another blast from the past: a Google Phone from 2006. As Chris Smith reports, the device was a prototype for what became Android, "with Google proposing an open source operating system packed with Google apps like Maps, Gmail and Google Talk." What's particularly interesting about the prototype is that, one year before the iPhone was released, Google clearly didn't think touchscreens were the way forward: "The initial device looks a little bit like a strange BlackBerry Bold," Smith points out.
One of Google's big mobile ideas is mobile payments, and O2 has joined the payment party with the launch of O2 Wallet.
The service isn't just for O2 customers: it's available to all UK mobile phone users, or at least it is provided they aren't running Windows Phone: the app for that platform is still in development, along with apps for tablets (we're assuming iPads and Android).
So how does it work? If you're on an iPhone, Android or BlackBerry device you'll be able to add your credit and debit card details to the service and "send" money to people; if the payment isn't received within five days it's automatically credited back to you.
According to O2 Money MD James Le Brocq, "additional functionality will soon enable consumers to use O2 Wallet to top-up mobile airtime, buy train tickets and make mobile contactless payments via NFC technology." We've been promised mobile payments for years, so it'll be interesting to see if O2 can be the firm to make it work.
There's just one problem in the move from real wallets to mobile ones: as Patrick Goss asks, "What will the comedy moths fly out of now?"

Firefox 12 Released, Gets Benchmarked Against Chrome 18


Firefox Wallpaper fire

Every Firefox release brings something exciting and new to the table. Firefox 12 does not, for those who are expecting something like the previous versions. There has been no new feature addition, worth mentioning! So this time around we have focused on the performance of the browser against its main rival Google Chrome, Firefox 12 vs Chrome 18 in various scenarios including traditional browser benchmarks.

So, What’s new?

Nothing, to be frank enough! But the release is a worthwhile considering the amount of bugs fixed and the performance improvement. Nevertheless there are minor improvements internally which are pretty hard to notice in day to day usage and for non developers. To begin with there is only one (really) “new” feature , which is the implementation of a new Mozilla service to bypass UAC prompts in Windows Vista and above, whenever you update your browser. Google Chrome has implemented it long back, but it involves a lazy trick of installing all your browser updates to the User folder instead of regular Program Files. From now on you will get UAC prompt only when you install Firefox for the first time. When updating later, Mozilla Maintenance Service will take charge of it replacing UAC. By later this year, Mozilla expects to make the automatic browser updates completely silent, like Chrome.

Minor Improvements include:

  • Now page source includes line numbers as well, which must be helpful for developers obviously. Too bad they took a while to implement this.
firefox page source
  • WebGL performance on Mac OSX has been improved significantly.
  • URL’s pasted in the download managers are now downloaded automatically.
  • It is now easier to locate the search results in Find in Page option. Though I prefer Chrome for this function. Firefox needs to improve its search in page even more.
  • Improvements to various built in developer tools like Web Console 3D page inspector, Style Editor and more.
  • Experimental support for ECMAScript 6 Map and Set objects has been implemented in this release.
  • HTML5 Video Controls are improve now, and feature a full screen option.
  • Lots of Security and bug fixes
Note that Firefox does NOT support h.264 format for encoding HTML5 videos as of now, due to Mozilla’s reluctance to adapt to this standard which is wrangled in numerous patents and Mozilla’s adherence to Open Web standards. It will be better for users if Mozilla supports this format as it provides superior compression than ogg theora
Download: Firefox 12 [15.6 MB]

Benchmarks (Firefox 12 vs Chrome 18)

firefox 12 vs chrome 18
Here comes the fun part. Several queries have been raised over the Web with the increasing popularity of our Firefox article series over how the data is collected. So let me take time to explain the rig and the procedure:
The Machine is HP G42 with Core i3 (1st gen) clocked at 2.4 GHz, 6 GB DDR3 of 1066 MHz RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 512 MB GDDR3 graphics and a 5400 RPM Western Digital Hard drive. Hardware Acceleration was turned on in both Firefox and Chrome
I ran the older version of Google v8 (version 6) benchmark this time to maintain harmony with previous browsers’ scores . Sunspider and Kraken were at their respective latest versions. I took the best of each browser score after running each benchmark thrice to avoid accusations of “biasing the article towards Firefox”.

Firefox 12 vs Chrome 18 : Showdown time

Sunspider Performance

Sunspider is one of the most trusted benchmarks for Web browsers. Sadly this time Firefox has regressed a bit, and continuing the trend from Firefox 11 the performance has dropped a bit. Chrome on the other hand has improved quite a lot from its previous version and manages to beat Firefox handily in this browser intensive JavaScript benchmark.
Firefox vs Chrome sunspider benchmarks

Kraken Performance

Kraken is another browser intensive benchmark by Mozilla, Kraken focuses on much more realistic workloads than Sunspider or V8. Kraken in a way provides a clear view of realistic workloads pushing the browsers limits. Chrome 18 almost demolishes its predecessor and all the recent Firefox release with a stunning score of 3974. Firefox 12 on the other hand fell behind all others by a noticeable margin.
Firefox vs Chrome kraken benchmarks

Google V8

This has been one of the strongholds of Google Chrome’s performance. V8 is the JavaScript engine which ships with Chrome, so obviously one would expect Chrome to perform favourably. Surprisingly this time around both Firefox and Chrome have regressed quite a bit. There were times when the the performance parity with Chrome  would be quite a lot, but Firefox needs even more work in this regard as well.
Firefox vs Chrome v8 benchmarks

Real World Metrics : Chrome the memory monger

If your planning to jump to Chrome bandwagon based on the above benchmarks, hold your guns because the above browser benchmarks barely indicate any real world usage. It is time to check out how much system resources does the two browsers consume on a moderately heavy usage.
For the memory consumption tests I opened the following 10 tabs which I surf usually as my daily routine: Techsplurge, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, OMGUbuntu , YouTube with a 360p video being played in Flash, Rotten Tomatoes, Phoronix, Google Reader, and a Google search results page.
Firefox vs Chrome memory consumption
Errata : I had not noticed plugincontainer.exe in the earlier memory benchmarks, which is basically the Mozilla container for browser plugin. I noticed it consumed around 100 MB for 360p video. Because this process is entirely separate from Firefox processes, I missed out on this from process explorer. I have added 100 MB for previous Firefox iterations’ memory results  to compensate this.
Interestingly Chrome 18 reported to be using 1.25 GB of memory when I checked from its internal task manager. However upon totalling the memory consumed by each of the chrome.exe processes, it turned out to be 1.7 GB .
Chrome seems to be munching more memory with every release. There are numerous arguments in the wild web about why Chrome consumes so much of memory , but one must clearly note that no matter what Sandboxing or process separation for each tab. Chrome uses a heck lot of memory. This basically renders your PC useless if you wish to do anything apart from browsing on Chrome when you are on a low end PC.

CPU Usage

The CPU usage across the two browsers were the same almost , with the usage hovering around 5 – 7% in each browser. If you are smart you would have guessed that Adobe Flash was the main factor contributing to the CPU usage. But overall, both the browsers manage to be impressively low when it comes to CPU usage.

Which browser should I choose now?

I am huge Firefox fan, but both Chrome and Firefox are great browsers in their own respects and are helping a great deal to make the web better. Here is why you would choose Firefox or Chrome


  • You want a fast browser which does not eat your RAM for breakfast.
  • You work with lot of tabs open.
  • You want a lot of customizations in your browser and use loads of add-ons.
  • You are bothered about your online privacy

Chrome :

  • You want the fastest browser on the planet .
  • You do not open  many tabs while browsing.
  • You have a fairly powerful machine and/or don’t bother about the resource usage of your browser.
  • You do not care much about your privacy and do not mind Google collecting user data.


Sadly for me, this one has been quite a mediocre Firefox release when it comes to benchmarks and new features introduced. However this release was necessary as it gave more room for Mozilla to fix important bugs and security issues. With major new features like a completely overhauled UI , improved download manager , web apps integration coming in later releases, it will be worth the wait hopefully. Chrome on the other hand has improved on every other aspect apart from Memory optimization. Do feel free to share your opinion about Firefox 12 vs Chrome 18.

Get Mac OS X Launchpad for Windows with WinLaunch


I have been reviewing many free apps for Windows, most of them do fulfil their purpose just right. But there comes a time when you discover a ultra cool app which is rough around the edges but it works so damn well that you just cant wait to show it off and rave about it.
WinLaunch by C0rrupted  is one such free tool which does its job, of replicating Launchpad introduced in Mac OS X Lion in Windows, perfectly. By perfect I literally mean perfectly. Amazing animations, loads of customisation while being non intrusive and extremely light on resources are just some of the great things in this nifty tool.
Launchpad for Windows

Installation and Setting up : Here comes the clumsy part

This is the only place where I get to blast the app, and I wont spare it. Setting up the app is quite confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it it is really fantastic to say the least. I can see no app launcher as good as WinLaunch atleast for the moment for Windows.
The app currently does not feature any sort of installation, and basically you have to start the app [winlaunch.exe] yourself after extracting the zip folder. When you first launch the app, you are greeted with a well written readme which I recommend to go through well for less hassles. You can begin adding icons by moving the icons from your desktop or start menu to WinLaunch. As the next step, you need to spend some time fiddling with the Icon and Text size, and keys for invoking WinLaunch for a godly experience. Then you must run Winlaunch Starter to start the app automatically everytime you boot into Windows.
Download: WinLaunch for Windows [16.1 MB] x86 and x64

The Amazing WinLaunch

You may feel that I am over excited and raving a lot about the app, but as you check it out yourself, you will find a lot more to like. Here are some super cool things I liked about WinLaunch
  • Synaptic Touchpad Gesture Integration : Hell Yeah! Those who thought that Launchpad and the nifty three finger upward swipe to activate Launchpad was limited to those shiny Macs, think again. WinLaunch allows to perfectly replicate this feature on the Windows as well. Even the two finger slide for accessing the multiple pages works so cleanly that you simply cant stop adoring the touchpad integration. On my HP G42 it works flawlessly every single time.
  • Multiple Ways to access your WinLaunch: If you are on a desktop, or if you use your three finger gesture for something else, you can always use the multiple hot corners or hot keys to activate the Windows implementation of Launchpad
WinLaunch options
  • Superb Animations : I mean it. The animations are so close to the Mac OS counterpart that you would be easily fooled for once that you were using Lion. Heck , even the famous iOS style jiggle is perfectly implemented in Launchpad. The Fly In and Fly Out work very smoothly, not to mention silky icon movements. The animations are one of the core features that makes WinLaunch such a perfect app launcher for Windows.
  • WinLaunch iOS jiggle
  • Easy Customisation: WinLaunch offers gut loads of customisation options which even the Mac OS X Launchpad does not offer to an extent. You can go all the way from customising icon sizes, to changing the opacity, modifying the animation speed you name it. Did I tell you that WinLaunch supports creating pages and folders just like iOS including the animations and shelves. This is something which I found was really freaking cool.
  • WinLaunch Customisation
  • Themes Support : For all the personalization nerds, WinLaunch offers plenty of inbuilt themes to choose with to suite your tastes. Below is the screenshot with the square theme applied.
WinLaunch themes

Minor Ramblings

I am gladly willing to donate and strongly urge you to donate for the development of this program. But there are few annoying issues which I really want to see fixed in order to get a even better app launcher for Windows.
  • The App comes in a Zip format and does not have an installer. This is easily a turn off for not so tech-savvy folks. In future iterations an installer would be more than welcome
  • I found the settings menu to be pretty cramped as personalization forms an important component of this program. It would be useful if more options could be clubbed in lesser titles. For example the various options for Hotkeys and Hot Corners could come under a single title instead of digging deeper into the options.
  • WinLaunch did not start automatically with Windows even though it was claimed to be. Perhaps this is a bug?
  • Lastly I found editing the icons quite cumbersome as in I had to hit edit for every Icon individually. It would be great if the developer could provide us some kind of edit mode. Also edit  was quite buggy and inconsistent many times

Usage Tips and Conclusion

WinLaunch sadly is not the most idiot friendly launcher to set up initially and use. I personally recommend the following tweaks to enhance your experience with WinLaunch
Initial Configuration : When you start WinLaunch for the first time you need to hit F and add few icons to begin with.
  • For fast performance and great looks, you can better go for the Lion Blur in the performance advisor. Though Aero blur was quite fast too, it was not aesthetic enough for me.
  • Adding icons from desktop  can be a tad frustrating , you can instead add your apps directly from the start menu.
  • The default icon size is medium which is tad big for anyone’s taste. Change it to small and you are good to go.
  • Hot Corners can get in your way while using other apps, better option is to go for synaptic gestures in case if you are on a laptop , or hot keys if you are on a desktop.
Overall WinLaunch perfectly mimics the Mac OS X Launchpad behaviour for your Windows desktop without burdening your CPU or GPU. WinLaunch can easily be the perfect desktop icons replacement you were looking for. The developer of this app has been tremendously successful in mimicking the behaviour of Launchpad on Windows with such a light program. You will never even realise the fact that the app is still in its early beta stages. A must have for those who wish to have a beautiful desktop.

Google Drive Will Have to Compete Against Dropbox, not Apple iCloud


Update: Google Drive is out now! Experience it at http://drive.google.com.

Although not having said a single word yet, Google is rumored to launch its own Cloud Storage, Drive, service by this week.
On several places such as Quora and Facebook, people can be seen discussing about the features it might (or should) have. Interestingly, some people also see Drive as a move by Google to imitate Apple’s iCloud.
Wait a second, wondering what is cloud storage? Ask Mr. Wikipedia.
For those who think the same, let me tell you – You’re sorely wrong.
Google doesn’t need to compete against iCloud. It already has most of the features found in iCloud, integrated with Android since the beginning and, in fact, they’re better.
Google will actually have to compete with Dropbox. iCloud will only act as a mobile benchmark and Google’s job would be to outperform it. Drive will have to excel at areas where iCloud has failed and at the same time, learn how Apple and Dropbox have managed to provide such an intuitive user experience with their features.

My Wish List

There are basically five products with Android which I believe Google will take advantage of – Play Music, Movies, Books, Google Docs and Picasa. These, when combined with Drive equal awesomeness. Below is a small wish-list of mine:
  • share-with-google-driveLet me sync any type of file I want, no restrictions like in iCloud. Let it be a MS Office document, a Photoshop photo or a song, anything.
  • Remove Picasa from Android and let me keep my photos on Drive.
  • I also want Drive to store music and books purchased from the Play store which people can access anytime, anywhere, even in my PC.
  • Give me a folder to manage my files in my desktop like Dropbox does, I don’t want a separate interface for it. Keep it simple.
  • Offer the highest level of encryption for my files. I won’t want you (or anyone else) to read my documents as you’re infamous for doing so for ads.
  • Offer flexible 3rd-Party APIs, the reason why Dropbox is so popular among developers.
  • Don’t make it a US only product, please, or else I’ll declare Drive as a failure.
Right now, I’m a loyal Dropbox fan but if you manage to complete my above wishes, I’ll happily marry you.

Lastly, Pricing

Free storage varies with products.
(1 GB for Docs, 7 GB for Gmail etc.)
2 GB – Free
80 GB – $1.67 / month50 GB – $10 / month
200 GB – $4.17100 GB – $20
1 TB – $21.331TB – $795
for 5 individuals
Dirt Cheap’ rates – yeah! Google offers storage space at incredibly low rates for all of its cloud based products and will, most probably, do the same for Google Drive. This will surely turn a lot of heads towards Drive, specially Dropbox users whose request for a price cut has still not been paid any heed since long (2 years, 5 months).
So pricing won’t be any issue for Google. Though, offering lots of storage space at whole-sale rates does not ensure the success of any service. In fact, it only determines a fractional part of it. Windows SkyDrive is a good example for this statement which offers 25 GB of free storage and is still rarely used. Reason? Apart from a massive amount of free space, it offers next to nothing.
However, when you combine cheap prices with great features and integration with major platforms, Google Drive does indeed sound a great product. What do you think? Will you move your files to Google Drive from your Dropbox account?

PDF editor


Wondershare Beta [Limited Period]

PDF is the most popular document format across all the platforms. With multitude of PDF editing applications and with the lack of cheap good quality PDF editors,  it can be a pain to edit your favourite PDF file. While Microsoft Word and Open/Libre Office Writer do allow creating PDF’s, editing a existing PDF file is a different story altogether. You could either convert pdf to word and edit it or download free pdf editor which is easy to use.
We came across one such software which precisely meets this criteria. (Free for a limited time though!) Wondershare PDF editor alleviates this issues with its clean looking interface and powerful feature set.

More about Wondershare Beta (Download Free PDF editor)

Wondershare PDF Editor is a very download free pdf editorpopular PDF editor on the Mac OSX platform. Currently the Windows version of PDF Editor is in the beta stage with 100 days of free testing. Wondershare is giving a huge 50% discount if you upgrade the app from the current beta to the stable state when it releases later this year. Something which I found pretty interesting is that the firm is offering a chance to win the app for free if you provide feedback on 3 any elements of the program. Wondershare PDF Editor is available for Windows XP , Vista  and 7.

Download Free PDF editor : Wondershare Beta [21.7 MB]

The Impressive Feature list

Wondershare PDF Editor offers some really powerful features.
    • Clean and Simple UI : The Ribbon based user interface makes it very easy to wade through the various nifty features of the program. The Ribbon Interface is really well polished and easy to navigate. You will easily feel at home with PDF Editor if you have used Microsoft Word 2007 / 2010. You can begin editing your PDF files in a jiffy with the clean UI.
download free pdf editor
    • Impressive Editing Capabilities: PDF Editor allows editing text as well as object , image and table re-size, move, copy and delete. You can also insert images, links and watermarks on the fly. The nice thing about the text editing is you can just continue editing in the exact same style as of that of the PDF, provided the required fonts are installed.
image editing Wondershare pdf editor
    • Merge , Split and Modify pages: PDF Editor allows easy modification of pages. You can extract, crop or delete pages in couple of clicks. You can also quickly merge multiple documents or split the document into multiple PDF’s.
  • PDF to Word Conversion: If you are less satisfied with the editing in PDF Editor or just want more editing power, you can convert the PDF file directly into Microsoft Word 2010, 2007, 2003 .docx , .doc  or even Rich Text Format in just 2 clicks.
Wondershare PDF convert

Other neat Features include:

  • Advanced annotation with sticky notes, pencil tool , history tracking and more.
  • Broad Multilingual Support with detection for PDF’s in 17 languages.
  • The must have Bookmark feature for any good PDF viewer.

How did it perform? Almost perfect..

Wondershare performed fairly well during the review, with most of the advertised features working right off the bat. I found the conversion to Word feature particularly impressive with its speed and compatibility. PDF editor never felt slow at any point of time during the usage.
However I found the object moving and resizing to be slightly sluggish. Also many PDF’s were having some issues with  editing the text whose fonts’ were not installed. Nevertheless these were very trivial issues which I hope will be fixed in the final release.

Final Verdict

Wondershare PDF Editor Beta looks really promising with its powerful and well implemented features like flawless PDF to Word conversion, jiffy text and object editing, PDF split and merge, and a crisp user interface to top it all. The app actually felt feature complete and very stable even in the early beta period which speaks volumes about the quality of the app.
While the app will be most likely priced at 49.95$ (which is the price of the Mac counterpart) when released, it is currently absolutely free under the beta testing. Make sure you download free pdf editor during this beta testing period.

Google X Lab


Secret Place where Project Glass, Robots, Space Elevators are Developed

Somewhere in a secret location in California, a team of engineers from Google are busy pushing the limits of technology. Known as Google X, they are the team responsible for ‘Project Glass’, Google’s latest project to combine our optical visual field with Augmented Reality using wearable glasses and Driverless cars.
Google is so secretive about the lab that most of its employees even have no idea of its existence. Reminds of Area 51, anyone?
Rumors about Google X and their crazy experiments had started flying late last year but I ignored them as they sounded very unlikely to exist. Now when Project Glass has made my imagination fly into the future, I think those project rumors are actually true.
Driverless Car
Driverless Cars can be seen running on the streets of Nevada. Its artificial intelligence system relies on information from Google Street View, several sensors and a video camera.
The projects on which Google X is working on are still largely unknown to anyone except the people deeply involved in it. According to The NYTimes, there are about 100 concept ideas on which they’re researching that even includes robots, talking refrigerators, dining plates which are connected to the internet, space-elevators etc. Yeah, they all sound very unlikely to happen anytime soon but they’re long term projects of Google. How long? Maybe even 2050!

The X Team

There are three important people in the team mainly known to the world – Sebastian Thrun, Steve Lee, Babak Amir Parviz. The team is leaded by Sergey Brin. They all are known for their special capabilities in fields still largely unexplored by humans.
1. Sergey Brin
Sergey Brin is the co-founder of Google and the leader of Google X. He is known for carrying a silver business card decorated with the letter X. He was recently spotted wearing a prototype unit of AR Glasses in a charitable event in San Francisco, California.
Being the 24th richest person on the earth, he owns a private Boeing 737 jet!
2. Steve Lee
steve-leeSteve Lee is the lead product management for Google X. He’s the brain behind Google Latitude, a service that lets users share their locations with friends, store history of visited places and check-in to places.
His involvement in Project Glass should mean that location based applications would be one of they key features of the project.
3. Babak Amir Parviz
An assistant professor at University of Washington, Babak Parviz is known for his achievement in deploy bionics technology in conventional contact lenses. Here’s a snippet of an article written by him:
imageIn the Terminator movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character sees the world with data superimposed on his visual field—virtual captions that enhance the cyborg’s scan of a scene.
These visions might seem far-fetched, but a contact lens with simple built-in electronics is already within reach; in fact, my students and I are already producing such devices in small numbers in my laboratory at the University of Washington, in Seattle. These lenses don’t give us the vision of an eagle or the benefit of running subtitles on our surroundings yet. But we have built a lens with one LED, which we’ve powered wirelessly with RF. What we’ve done so far barely hints at what will soon be possible with this technology.
Wired notes that Babak Parviz’s research specialties include Bio-nanotechnology, Self-Assembly, Nanofabrication and MicroElectroMechanical Systems, enough to help Google become a pioneer in Optical Vision technology. ;)
4. Sebastian Thrun
sebastian-thurnSebastian Thrun is the person behind Google’s another ambitious project of developing driver-less cars which are currently running on the streets of Nevada. The automated cars make use artificial intelligence, several sensors and Google Street View, co-invented by him.
A recent video by Google showing a blind man taking one such car to a local store shows how impressive the car would be in the future.
He has also founded Udacity, a company that aims to bring university level education to the masses for free using the internet. The courses also include Building a Search Engine and Programming a Robotic Car.

These are a few people whose job is very ambitious – to defy the boundaries of Google’s core business – the Web and move ahead to the Future where technology will control our life. Sounds creepy?



Anti-virus databases in zip-archive for offline update ESET products on a computer without the Internet.

Designed for the following programs:

■ Kaspersky Anti ESET NOD32 3.x - 4.x
■ ESET NOD32 Smart Security 3.x - 4.x

Installing Updates Anti-ESET NOD32 / ESET Smart Security

• Download and unpack the archive with the updates (for example, the folder C: \ offline_update_eav)

• Open the main program window NOD32 Antivirus

• Press the «F5» and go to the "Update"

• In the line "Update Server" click "Change"

• In the line "update servers" navigate to the folder with the update (in this case C: \ offline_update_eav), then click "Add" and "OK"

• In the main window, select the antivirus "Update" and click "Refresh version of virus signature database"

How To enable Offline server feature at ESS / EAV  version 5:
‎1. Boot Your windows to SAFE MODE
2. When u in SAFE MODE klik START>>>RUN> type regediit
3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Info
4. Finda PackageFeatures
5. Double click PackageFeatures , change Value Data 3 to 1
6. Restart your Windows, Feature of update server will be enable.

Use IDM [ internet download manager ],for download it!

Nokia Lumia 800



  • Internet
    Amazing speeds, Bing, Internet Explorer 9, HTML5, Wi-Fi
  • Design
    4.3" AMOLED ClearBlack glass touchscreen, one-piece polycarbonate body, excellent antenna performance
  • Cameras
    8 MP main camera, Carl Zeiss optics, dual LED flash, Auto Focus, 1 MP front camera, video calling
  • Battery
    All day battery life, up to 8 hours talk time, up to 400 hours standby
  • Social
    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, Chat, SMS

At a glance

  • 4.3 ''
    Display size
  • 8 megapixels
    Primary camera sensor size
  • 160 g
  • 7 h
    Maximum 3G talk time
  • 300 h
    Maximum 3G standby time
  • 60 h
    Maximum music playback time
  • 8 h
    Maximum video playback time
 Available Colours
  1. Black
  2. Sky
  3. White

Google SketchUp 8.0.11752


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